Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins

I bought bananas last week and never got around to eating them, so what's one to do with rotting bananas? Well, make banana muffins, of course.

I have this recipe from a cookbook my Uncle Gordie got me when I was very young - it's a "Friends" cookbook (as in the television show) and it has random recipes that it attributes to the characters in the show... However, as far as I can tell, they're mostly not in any episode. Regardless, "Marcel's Banana Bread" is the best banana bread recipe I've ever come across. I nixed the nuts and added chocolate chips this time around.

And boy, are they delicious.


Ryan said...

I am sorry about my aversion to bananas!

I love your artsy photo!!

You're so artsy!

Spanky's Surf School said...

wow nice muffins it look great, with the chocolate i wanna taste it